Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bags Are Packed!

We spent today trying to lay low so Craig could get some good naps, and packing our duds (as my grandmother called them). Half of our group left this morning, and the rest of us leave Friday morning. They pick up our bags at 5 a.m. tomorrow and we take off for the airport an hour later. We would appreciate prayer that Craig will be able to get enough rest during the 24+ hours of travel, and that we make all our connections, Additionally, we would love for everything to work out so that Craig can meet his Oma (Janice Wood) and Aunt Elaine during our Seattle layover. Thank you!

We just went out for a last meal with the remaining families. When we started this journey, my focus was on getting Craig back home. An unexpected bonus was meeting so many wonderful people. It really has been a blessing. If you think of us tomorrow, say a prayer for those families also as they travel. Can't wait to be back in the Pacific Northwest!

Monday, March 18, 2013

New Found Skills!

We had a long, good day yesterday. Spent Sunday morning with 5 other families in our group going to a gathering like we do each Sunday. It was wonderful. Singing, teaching & reading in both Mandarin & English. Craig got his first message about the good news. My favorite was the music. They sing in full voice in both Mandarin & English. Tears from our group could not be contained.

Today we have decided to lay low and get Craig some naps. He handles all the travel with aplomb, but seemed overly exhausted last night. Tomorrow we head off to the Consulate for a Visa appointment & Oath-taking Ceremony. When we left Taiyuan with Craig's passport, it was the Chinese country saying we could take Craig with us. Now we are in Guangzhou to get the permission of the United States to let him in.

I'm going to try and attach a couple videos. As you can see, Craig likes the attention so has learned a lot this week with his mama & nana to cheer him on. He now uses crawling as his mode of transportation, he pulls himself up on the chair, is more verbal (hopefully you can hear his laugh), and he has cut through one of the six (we think) teeth that are causing him pain. That is a lot to accomplish for one young man in seven days!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Medical Check Day

It feels like it has been a big day, but it only took the morning to complete the medical check. We were with 40 other families and they had quite the system. Our guide encouraged us to be bold, hold our place in line and not worry that we didn't have the paperwork needed. She was right, they got us the paperwork before needed and the processes was quicker than we expected when we saw the packed room. She warned us that the children would not like one of the required steps, but Craig handled it just fine because the doctor handed him 2 toys. That was all the distraction he needed from her poking and prodding.

I was particularly touched today by the 40 families loving on these 40 children that this culture has set aside because of their "special needs." These are precious children, with love to give. It was very special to watch.

Our chuckle for the day just happened a few minutes ago. I tried Facebook and got on Leya's account. We were so excited! Leya jumped up and posted a message along with reading about five messages, and then it was gone. It felt like we had rejoined the world for but a moment. We laughed about how much that little contact meant. It reminded me of when my family lived in Europe. If a letter arrived, we all joined around and read the letter. It was our connection to home. In today's vernacular, Facebook was our connection to home if only for a moment.

Leya is heading off to a meeting, so Nana & Craig are going to have us some play time. We're tired but joyous and loving on Mr Craig! jo

Friday, March 15, 2013

We made it!

Thank you for your support and prayers! Craig could not have done better on his first plane flight. We left the Taiyuan hotel at 9:15 this morning and arrived at our Guangzhou hotel just before 5. He was able to nap in Leya's arms on both buses, and managed the flight with bravado. I think our anxiety about the 22 hours of travel next Friday has lessened a bit after the successes today. All the children in our group did so well. Answered prayers.

Tomorrow he has a medical appointment in the morning and Leya has paperwork in the afternoon. Each step means we're closer to taking him home. Can't wait for you all to meet this special boy.

Craig is teething, so we'd appreciate prayers for a quick break-through. It's clearly hurting him but he tries hard to be tough. Just a few minutes ago he was laughing and fussing at the same time. It's harder for him to enjoy life when he is hurting. Leya put in Orajel when she noticed Isla, who is about Craig's age, teething. Yet another thing we are thankful for. jo

On our walk...

We had a fun experience on a walk-about today. We went to a park and Leya got the scolding we had heard about from the grandmas. Three of them came up and one of them was adamant that Craig was not well enough covered. He was sound asleep through the whole thing in the ergo. He had a fleece coat with hat & socks on his feet. The only exposure to the air was his face, but that wasn't good enough. She tugged at leya's coat and tucked and rearranged until it was 'right.' I got pictures. We just laughed through it all. Fortunately we had both read about this and knew it wasn't personal. A little later a woman motioned that I should put my down coat on him. No dice. I was cold and he was snug as a bug in the pack. Up until about 2 they dress them like the Michelin tire man. The poor kids can hardly bend or move. It's too funny.

It may be harder when we fly to Guangzhou tomorrow. We've heard it's hot and muggy there, so if they still expect us to cover him there, we might have a dilemma. Won't borrow trouble though. Winging it has worked so far.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

So Fun!

We are so thankful for how smoothly things are going, and know it is a direct answer to the many prayers. We are here with 6 other families. If it comes to mind, add Stella (18 months) and Evie J (3 years) to your prayers. Both have been better cared for in more of a foster home situation and are struggling with the sadness of leaving.

Wednesday we packed Craig into the Ergo and went to the market. It was two floors of vendor after vendor. Our guide told us we needed to barter by offering half. For the record, if our survival relied and us being good at bartering, we'd go hungry. It was not our forte!

Craig continues to be a delight! I've attached a picture where you can see his mischievous side. He thinks it is quite funny when he pulls off his socks. 

He has also been enjoying his stacking blocks. Wednesday afternoon Leya kept rescuing the errant blocks that "accidentally" ended up under the bed & dresser. Then she caught him purposely stashing them in both places. When she said "you are doing that on purpose," he looked up at her with a BIG smile! What a kick!

Today we pack to fly down to Guangzhou tomorrow (Friday). Pray for Craig's ears on the plane as he sounds a little stuffy to me. We'll write again after we get there.

Facebook & Google Blogs are blocked in China, so we really appreciate Abbie & Jason. It has made it wonderful to be able to keep you all in the loop. We feel blessed to have so many people involved in bringing Craig home. jo

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Life is Fun!

Craig is really enjoying life! He (and I) got a good nap and he has been having so much fun this afternoon. He loves interacting with us, and repetition is the name of the game. When he realizes he gets a fun response, he continues doing it again and again.

More Pictures

It's Official!

Craig and I signed the paperwork today that officially makes him the newest member of the Wood family. I used a pen and thumb print and they dipped his hand in ink as his "signature". We had a lot of paperwork to go through, but you can tell they have done this many times and it goes very quickly. 

Craig was able to meet his Daddy via skype as soon as we got back to the hotel yesterday and this morning he was able to meet his sisters. We have all been able to see his big smile and hear him giggle. The girls showered him with kisses and hugs (the computer screen may need cleaning) and brought Craig's toys out to show him some of the things he would be able to play with soon.

Jason and the girls are doing great! They are enjoying all of the special Daddy time they are getting.

So far Craig has been a very mellow and relaxed baby; we were able to talk to the director for a bit through a translator and he said the same has been true in the orphanage. The only time he really gets fussy is when he sees me making him a bottle (he's ready for it NOW) and when his bottle nipple wasn't going fast enough. He's nervous about trying food, the director thinks that he has pain or sensitivity from his surgery.

Thank you for your prayers; I'm thankful for this time to connect with Craig, but missing Jason and the girls.

Monday, March 11, 2013

We were so exhausted, we all fell asleep at 8 last night.  He made noises every hour or two in the night, but Leya just lets him know she's here and he goes back to sleep.  They said he sleeps 9-7.  He loves toys and is very content.  It's easy to get a smile out of him.  He isn't afraid of people.  The Chinese people all comment on his big eyes.  They are rounder than most and really shine when he smiles.

Jason stayed up and talked to Leya and Craig for quite a while.  He was going to post some pictures on the blog.  Hope you saw them.

People seem genuinely excited when they see us with a Chinese baby.  Our guide said they appreciate what we are doing for girls and special needs.

We took him to a nice Japanese restaurant for dinner, linens and all, and he watched everything from the pack until he got a little antsy and he sat on my lap the rest of the time.  The meal cost us less than $15 and we only ate half of it.  Next time it will be less than $10. We are heading back to civil affairs this morning.  Apparently the paperwork Leya signed yesterday was just about taking responsibility for Craig for the night.  Today is the real deal.

Wednesday they are taking us to Walmart to pick up clothes. He is bigger than we thought (12 month). Leya likes him in a dark blue outfit and his dark green pajamas. I heard her telling him he looks good in dark colors. According to her, the light blue wasn't his color. :-) at this point, though, we won't be picky.

Thanks for your prayers. Sleeping at the right times seems to be our only real challenge. Have a good day!

Over-exposed, I know. It was just too cute not to send, though

She Has Him!

This was one of the slowest moving days in my memory, but worth the wait! Craig cuddled right into Leya's arms. He is intrigued by every thing he is handed, studying them with a serious eye. His furrowed brow has relaxed as we are now back in our room. When Leya took him out of the layers of clothes, he gave her his first smile, complete with a dimple on the left side. Right now he is thoroughly intrigued by a ball Nita Papworth gave him. What fun!

Thanks to all for your prayers. He is doing great! Nana

Welcome Craig Jeffrey to the Wood family!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

We've arrived!

That was a long day, but we landed in Taiyuan Saturday night and were happily unpacking by 11. It was good to be on solid ground, as the flight to Beijing had enough turbulance to be unsettling (to put it delicately). We both slept a solid 5 hours and felt again ready to conquer the world.

Walking into our room and seeing Craig's crib made it seem real! There are 7 other families here going through the same journey. We'll meet them this afternoon.

Craig will be traveling to Taiyuan Monday morning, and we'll get him Monday afternoon (middle of the night Sunday for you)!!!

Thanks for all the prayers and support. The people here have been equally kind and thoughtful. Have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to spring forward. jophoto.JPG

Friday, March 8, 2013


We're at the airport, waiting. It was hard to say goodbye to the girls this morning but they were very excited to be going to Mrs. Raichart's house today! It's so good to know that they have so many people that will be loving on and watching over them. I picked up little pink mailboxes for the girls and we decorated them yesterday. The girls got their first present in their new mailboxes from me today after I left and when I called later were very exited about their new chap stick :)

I'm watching a Mama chase a very busy toddler around the waiting area and realizing that our return flight wont be nearly as relaxing as this one!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Flight Info

We've had a lot of questions about our itinerary so here goes!

Jason and I would love to see you at the airport when we get back. If all goes well we'll arrive at PDX at 3:48 in the afternoon on Friday March 22nd. We're flying Alaskan, flight number 2151. We'll be coming from Seattle and will have cleared immigration there so Craig will be an official US citizen by the time you see him.

Mom and I will be leaving PDX on Friday the 8th at 10:30 AM and will arrive in China at 5:30 (PST) Saturday morning.

We will be picking up Craig, Lord willing, sometime Sunday evening or night. We're hoping to introduce Craig to his Daddy and sisters Sunday or Monday via Skype.

We can't begin to describe how much we appreciate your prayers and support. Thank you!!!

New Pics

Mom and I spent the day sorting and packing. I realized another great reason to be taking her along; when it comes to fitting things into a suitcase, I'm hopeless :)

We got new pictures today - can't wait to give our little boy as many snuggles as he'll go for!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Flights Booked

We have dates!  Mom and I will be leaving PDX March 8th in the morning and will arrive in Taiyuan, Shanxi on the 9th at 10:55 pm.  We will have Sunday there to recover and will be picking Craig up on Monday, March 11th!!!!!! 

On the 22nd we will be able to come home and introduce Craig to his Daddy and Big Sisters.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

The good news; we only have one step left before we get to go pick up Craig! On Thursday our Article 5 was picked up so we are now waiting for Travel Approval, which usually comes in about two weeks. Once Travel Approval is issued by the CCWA our adoption agency will make consulate appointments in China and the travel agency will make all of our in country arrangements.

The bad news; we were hoping to leave Feb. 15th to pick up Craig, but the province he lives in is especially particular.  They don't want to have us finalize the adoption then, as it will be the week after Chinese New Year. The next date that our agency has on the books is March 1st but that is impossible because there is another family going to our province the following week, and the official doesn't like to have adoptive parents come two weeks in a row.  At this point we are expecting to be leaving March 8th.  We are disappointed, but not discouraged.  We know that God is powerful and He loves us and we look forward to seeing what the next steps will be.

Meanwhile, Jason started painting Craig's furniture, and it is absolutely gorgeous!!!  I can't wait to see his room put back together!

If, by some miracle, we were to get our Travel Approval in the next few days, and there were still consulate appointments available, and the agent could find guides and tickets, we'd be out of here the following week! If I suddenly disappear, you will know what happened ;)