Monday, March 18, 2013

New Found Skills!

We had a long, good day yesterday. Spent Sunday morning with 5 other families in our group going to a gathering like we do each Sunday. It was wonderful. Singing, teaching & reading in both Mandarin & English. Craig got his first message about the good news. My favorite was the music. They sing in full voice in both Mandarin & English. Tears from our group could not be contained.

Today we have decided to lay low and get Craig some naps. He handles all the travel with aplomb, but seemed overly exhausted last night. Tomorrow we head off to the Consulate for a Visa appointment & Oath-taking Ceremony. When we left Taiyuan with Craig's passport, it was the Chinese country saying we could take Craig with us. Now we are in Guangzhou to get the permission of the United States to let him in.

I'm going to try and attach a couple videos. As you can see, Craig likes the attention so has learned a lot this week with his mama & nana to cheer him on. He now uses crawling as his mode of transportation, he pulls himself up on the chair, is more verbal (hopefully you can hear his laugh), and he has cut through one of the six (we think) teeth that are causing him pain. That is a lot to accomplish for one young man in seven days!


  1. He is simply precious! I can't wait to meet him!

  2. Just to think that he doesn't even know yet the fun that is in store for him with his sister's and cousins waiting to play. What a precious, resilient little boy. You are so lucky that God brought Him into your lives, what a blessing for you all!!
